Virtual Network Configuration Backup Retention

For virtual network configuration backups, Veeam Backup for Microsoft Azure retains restore points for the period of time specified in backup retention settings.

During every successful backup session, Veeam Backup for Microsoft Azure creates a restore point and saves the date, time and the applied retention settings in the restore point metadata. If Veeam Backup for Microsoft Azure detects that the period of time for which the restore point was stored exceeds the period specified in the retention settings, it automatically removes the restore point from the virtual network configuration backup chain. You can also remove unnecessary virtual network configuration backups manually as described in section Removing Virtual Network Configuration Backups.


Veeam Backup for Microsoft Azure applies the retention settings configured for the Virtual Network Configuration Backup policy both to virtual network configuration backups stored in the Veeam Backup for Microsoft Azure database and to virtual network configuration backups stored in the backup repository selected for the policy. For virtual network configuration backups stored in backup repositories that are not specified in the Virtual Network Configuration Backup policy settings, Veeam Backup for Microsoft Azure applies retention settings saved in the backup metadata.

Virtual Network Configuration Backup Retention

Page updated 6/7/2024

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