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Maintenance Settings

To specify settings for backup files stored in the target backup repository:

  1. At the Target step of the wizard, click Advanced.
  2. If you want to periodically perform a health check of the most recent restore point in the backup chain, select the Perform backup files health check check box and specify the time schedule for the health check. By default, the health check is performed on the last Saturday of every month.

An automatic health check allows you to avoid a situation when a restore point gets corrupted, making all further increments corrupted, too. If Veeam Backup & Replication detects corrupted data blocks in the restore point during the health check, it will transfer these data blocks to the target backup repository during the next backup copy interval and store them in the newly copied restore point. For more information, see Health Check for Copied Backups.

  1. Select the Remove deleted items data after check box and specify the retention policy settings for deleted machines. If a machine is no longer processed by a job for some reason (for example, it was excluded from the job, removed from the infrastructure and so on), its data may still be kept in backups on the target backup repository. To avoid this situation, you can define the number of days for which data for deleted machines must be retained.

By default, the deleted items retention period is 30 days. It is strongly recommended that you set the retention period to 3 days or more to prevent unwanted data loss. For more information, see Deleted Items Retention.

  1. To periodically compact a full backup, select the Defragment and compact full backup file check box and specify the schedule for the compacting operation. By default, the compact operation is disabled.

The compact option can be enabled only if you have not specified the GFS settings. During the compacting operation, Veeam Backup & Replication creates a new empty VBK file and copies to it all data blocks from the full backup file. As a result, the full backup file gets defragmented, its size reduces and the speed of writing and reading to/from the file increases. For more information, see Compacting a Full Backup File.

Maintenance Settings Note:

The Remove deleted items data after option applies only to regular backup chains. Veeam Backup & Replication does not remove data for deleted machines from weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly backups.

Maintenance Settings