Validating Content of Backup File
The following command validates for integrity the content of all VMs or selected VMs in the specified backup:
Veeam.Backup.Validator.exe /backup:backupname|backupid [/vmname:vmname] [/point:pointid] [/date:pointdate] [/time:pointtime] [/silence] [/skip] [/report:reportpath [/format:xml|html]] |
The following command validates for integrity the content of VMs in the specified backup file:
Veeam.Backup.Validator.exe /file:backupfile{1..*} [/username:username /password:password] [/vmname:vmname] [/silence] [/skip] [/report:reportpath [/format:xml|html]] |
Veeam Backup Validator utility does not work with backups stored on scale-out backup repositories. |
Parameter | Description | Required/Optional | Parameter Type | Notes |
/backup: | Specify a name or an ID* of the backup file that you want to validate. | Required | String | — |
/file:backupfile{1..*} | Specify one or more backup files (VBM, VBK, VIB). | Required | String |
/username: | To access files on a network share, specify account credentials. | Required for network share | String | If you want to validate files located on different shares, make sure this account has access rights to all these shares. |
/vmname:vmname | Specify a name of the VM in the backup file that you want to validate. | Optional | String | If not specified, Veeam Backup Validator will check all VMs in the backup file. |
/point:pointID | Specify an ID* of the restore point that you want to validate | Optional | String | If not specified, Veeam Backup Validator will verify the latest restore point. |
/date:pointdate | Specify the date when the restore point that you want to validate was created. | Optional | Date | Make sure to specify the date in the same format as used on the Veeam Backup server. For example:
/time:pointtime | Specify approximate time when the restore point you want to validate was created. | Optional | Time | — |
/silence | Specify this parameter if you want to run validation in the silence mode. | Optional | Boolean | — |
/skip | Specify this parameter if you want to skip VMs listed in the vmname parameter. | Optional | Boolean | In the vmname parameter, list all VMs that you want to skip |
/report: | Specify this parameter if you want to generate a report on validation results and store it at the specified path. | Optional | String | Supported report formats are HTML and XML. |
* You can get IDs of backup jobs and restore points from the Veeam Backup & Replication database, for example, using scripts or using Management Studio.
Example 1
This command validates the exch01 VM in the Exchange Backup Job file.
Example 2
This command validates all VMs in the Exchange Backup Job file created on December 18, 2018 around 12:00 AM.