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Installing Storage System Plug-Ins

Before you start working with Universal Storage API integrated systems, make sure you have installed the Universal Storage API integrated system plug-in on the Veeam backup server.

Installing Storage System Plug-Ins Note:

If you connect to the backup server remotely with the Veeam Backup & Replication console, you must install the Universal Storage API integrated system plug-in both on the backup server and the machine where you run the console.

To install a plug-in, perform the following steps:

  1. Run the plug-in installation file.

The latest version of the Universal Storage API integrated system plug-in is available at the Veeam Download page.

  1. On the welcome screen of the setup wizard click the Next button to proceed to the configuration of the installation.

Installing Storage System Plug-Ins 

  1. At the Terms of Usage step of the wizard, select I accept these terms.

Installing Storage System Plug-Ins 

  1. At the Ready to Install the Program step of the wizard, click Install to begin installation.

Installing Storage System Plug-Ins 

  1. When the installation process completes, click Finish to close the wizard.

After you install the plug-in, you must configure the backup infrastructure to be able to use storage system snapshots for data protection. For more information, see Backup Infrastructure for Storage Snapshots.

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