第 10 步指定复制作业设置
At the Job Settings step of the wizard, specify a backup repository for storing replica metadata, replica name and number of restore points to keep:
- From the Repository for replica metadata list, select a backup repository that will store metadata for VM replicas.
Important |
Mind the following:
- In the Replica name suffix field, enter a suffix that will be added to the original VM names.
To register a VM replica on the target host, Veeam Backup & Replication appends the specified suffix to the name of the source VMs. Files of the VM replica are placed to the VMname_suffix folder on the selected datastore.
- In the Restore points to keep field, specify the number of restore points that the replication job must maintain. Due to VMware restrictions on the number of VM snapshots, the maximum number of restore points for VM replicas is limited to 28. When the specified number is exceeded, Veeam Backup & Replication removes the earliest restore points.