Tape States Indicators


    The user interface indicates on states of the tape infrastructure components.

    Tape Libraries


    Component state

    Tape States Indicators 

    Connected tape library

    Tape States Indicators 

    Tape library connected over SCSI

    Tape States Indicators 

    Tape library in the maintenance mode



    Component state

    Tape States Indicators 

    Enabled drive

    Tape States Indicators 

    Disabled drive

    Tape States Indicators 

    Drive in the maintenance mode

    Media Pools


    Component state

    Tape States Indicators 

    Free media pool

    Tape States Indicators 

    Imported media pool

    Tape States Indicators 

    Unrecognized media pool

    Tape States Indicators 

    Retired media pool

    Tape States Indicators 

    Media pool

    Tape States Indicators 

    GFS media pool

    Tape States Indicators 

    WORM media pool

    Tape States Indicators 

    WORM GFS media pool

    Online Tapes


    Component state

    Tape States Indicators 


    Tape States Indicators 

    Retired tape

    Tape States Indicators 

    Encrypted tape

    Tape States Indicators 

    Software protected tape

    Tape States Indicators 

    Hardware protected tape

    Tape States Indicators 

    Software protected and encrypted tape

    Tape States Indicators 

    Hardware protected and encrypted tape

    Online WORM Tapes


    Component state

    Tape States Indicators 

    WORM tape

    Tape States Indicators 

    Retired WORM tape

    Tape States Indicators 

    Encrypted WORM tape

    Tape States Indicators 

    Software protected WORM tape

    Tape States Indicators 

    Hardware protected WORM tape

    Tape States Indicators 

    Software protected and encrypted WORM tape

    Tape States Indicators 

    Hardware protected and encrypted WORM tape

    Offline Tapes

    Offline indication does not differ for standard and WORM tapes.


    Component state

    Tape States Indicators 


    Tape States Indicators 

    Retired tape

    Tape States Indicators 

    Encrypted tape

    Tape States Indicators 

    Hardware protected tape

    Tape States Indicators 

    Software protected tape

    Tape States Indicators 

    Software protected and encrypted tape

    Tape States Indicators 

    Hardware protected and encrypted tape

    Cleaning Tape


    Component state

    Tape States Indicators 

    Online cleaning tape

    Tape States Indicators 

    Offline cleaning tape

    Tape States Indicators 

    Retired online cleaning tape

    Tape States Indicators 

    Retired offline cleaning tape