Accounts and Roles Overview


Administrators can add accounts to Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager to grant users access to the website. Enterprise Manager offers the following account types: User, Group, External User and External Group.



How to Sign In

Name Format


Local or AD user

By specifying a user name and password


Domain is optional


Local or AD group

By specifying a user name and password


Domain is optional

External User

IdP user

By using single sign-on*


External Group

IdP group

By using single sign-on*

Free-form string

vSphere Role

VMware vCenter Server role used to access the Remote vSphere Client plug-in

* For more information on the single sign-on capability, see SAML Authentication Support.


To provide an account with permissions, administrators assign one of the following roles to the account: Portal Administrator, Portal User or Restore Operator.


How Is Assigned

Access to Configuration


Portal Administrator

  • Initially by default to the users listed in the local Administrators group and the user who installed Enterprise Manager
  • By Portal Administrator in Configuration > Roles


Full access to all available operations on all tabs of the web UI

Portal User

By Portal Administrator in Configuration > Roles


  • Access objects from the restore scope on the Machines and Files tabs
  • Run Quick Backup for machines from the restore scope on the Machines tab
  • Perform restore operations as permitted by the delegation settings
  • View information about all backup servers and jobs on the Dashboard, Reports, Jobs and Policies tabs

Restore Operator

By Portal Administrator in Configuration > Roles


  • Access objects from the restore scope on the Machines and Files tabs
  • Perform restore operations as permitted by the delegation settings

Users with the Portal User or Restore Operator role can access their restore scope — a list of objects that can be recovered by appropriate personnel. For example, the restore scope of database administrators is database servers (Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle or other), the restore scope of Exchange administrators is Exchange server machines, and so on. For more information on configuring restore scope, see Configuring Restore Scope.


You can customize the restore scope if you have the Enterprise Plus edition of Veeam Backup & Replication. In other editions, this list includes all objects and cannot be customized. However, you can delegate recovery of entire machines, guest files, or selected file types. For more information, see Configuring Permissions for File and Application Item Restore.

Page updated 1/25/2024

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