Downloading Monthly Usage Report

You can download a monthly usage report as a PDF or JSON file.

To download a monthly usage report:

  1. In the monthly usage report notification, click the submit link.
  2. Download the report. The procedure differs depending on the reporting method. For more information, see the License Usage Reporting section of the Veeam Cloud Connect Guide.
  • In case of automatic reporting, do the following:
  1. In the Monthly Usage Report window, click Review.
  2. On the report page, click Download and select the report format: PDF or JSON.
  • In case of manual reporting, in the Monthly Usage Report window, click Download and select the report format: PDF or JSON.

You can also download the report after review. To do this, take the same steps as in case of automatic reporting.

Downloading Monthly Usage Report

Page updated 1/25/2024

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