This is an archive version of the document. To get the most up-to-date information, see the current version.

File Version Settings

To configure how many file versions should be kept for protected files:

  1. At the Storage step of the wizard, click Advanced.
  2. On the File Versions tab, specify to what file versions the settings should apply:
  • Select Keep all file versions to keep all file versions for the time period specified in the main window at the Storage step.
  • Select Limit the number of archived file versions only to limit archived file versions to the numbers specified below.
  • Select Limit the number of both recent and archived file versions to limit recent and archived file versions to the numbers specified below.
  1. After you choose what file versions to keep, specify how many file versions to keep:
  • Select Active file versions limit to keep the specified number of versions for files currently existing in the source file share. Specify how many versions of active files copied from the backup repository to store.
  • Select Deleted file versions limit to keep the specified number of versions for files deleted from the source file share. Specify how many versions of deleted files copied from the backup repository to store.

File Version Settings