This is an archive version of the document. To get the most up-to-date information, see the current version.

Archive Storage

You can use Azure Blob Storage Archive access tier, Amazon S3 Glacier and Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage classes as a target for backup copy jobs and create an instance of your backups in these archive object storage.

The following table lists the structure that is created and maintained by Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 in archive object storage.




A bucket or container name.

Buckets and containers must be created in advance using the cloud provider tools. Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 does not support creating new buckets or containers.


A set of mandatory folders created by Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365.


A repository folder that you create when adding a new object storage repository.

For more information on how to add a new object storage repository, see Adding Object Storage Repositories.


Contains the following blob files:

  • [Blob file] StorageStatistics. Contains information on used space in archive object storage per organization.
  • [Blob file] RepositoryConfig. Contains extended backup repository configuration such as the retention type and other auxiliary information, as well as version of the blob file.


Contains identical copies of the following blob files:

  • [Blob file] RepositoryConfig. Contains extended backup repository configuration such as the retention type and other auxiliary information, as well as version of the blob file.
  • [Blob file] BackupKeys. Contains information about the encryption keys that you set during extension of a backup repository with object storage, as well as version of the blob file.


Contains information about backed-up data retrievals.


Contains the BackupKeys blob file that holds information about the encryption keys that you set during extension of a backup repository with object storage, as well as version of the blob file.

For more information on how to extend a backup repository with object storage, see Specify Object Storage Repository.


Contains blob files with the information about archived Microsoft organizations.


The root folder that contains archived Microsoft organizations. Each organization is kept in its own folder with a unique identification number.


Contains blob files with the information about account mailboxes.


Contains dates of the latest attempt of archiving backed-up data of objects per object.


The Mailboxes directory contains archived Exchange mailboxes. Each mailbox is saved under a unique identification number to the <mailbox_Id> directory.

The <mailbox_Id> directory contains the following directories:

  • Messages. Contains archived Exchange data.
  • Folders. Contains a snapshot of Exchange folders at the specified point in time.


Contains blob files with the information about archived Exchange mailboxes.


Contains blob files with the information about restore points created by Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 and a list of restore point objects per restore point.


Contains blob files with the information about backed-up data retrieved from archive.


Contains blob files with the information about archived SharePoint sites.


Contains a blob file with a list of archived SharePoint sites.


Contains blob files with the unchanged information about teams.


Contains the following directories:

  • Accounts. Contains names and descriptions of all users included in all teams.
  • <team_Id>. Contains archived Microsoft Teams data such as Channels, Tabs, Applications and UsersMembership.


Contains information on how web objects were backed up per restore point.


A set of folders that contain archived SharePoint sites and OneDrive Items.

The <web_Id> directory contains the following directories:

  • Files. Contains archived files of the SharePoint site.
  • WebParts. Contains Web Parts of SharePoint sites.
  • Items. Contains archived items such as those located under the Subsites and Content folders for SharePoint, and users folders for OneDrive.
  • Lists. Contains archived SharePoint lists.
  • ListViews. Contains archived SharePoint list views.


Contains a lock file that tells that this storage is already an extension to a backup repository.

Object storage can only be owned by one owner (a backup repository) at a time.

For more information on how to extend a backup repository with object storage, see Specify Object Storage Repository.

Archive Object Storage Structure