Importing Backups

You can import a backup created by Veeam Agent into the Veeam Agent database. For example, you may want to import a previously deleted backup or backup that was created in a network shared folder by Veeam Agent installed on another computer.

To import a backup:

  1. Start the import process with the following command:

veeamconfig backup import --path <path>


<path> — path to the VBM file of the backup that you want to import.

For example:

user@srv01:~$ veeamconfig backup import --path /home/share/BackupJob/BackupJob.vbm
Backup has been imported successfully.
Session ID: [{4031f058-766c-4f2c-a7ae-7257adb2929f}].
Logs stored in: [/var/log/veeam/Import/Session_{4031f058-766c-4f2c-a7ae-7257adb2929f}].

  1. You can monitor the import process and result by viewing the import session log with the following command:

veeamconfig session log --id <session_id>


<session_id>ID of the import session.

For example:

user@srv01:~$ veeamconfig session log --id 4031f058-766c-4f2c-a7ae-7257adb2929f
2023-11-19 13:21:33 UTC {765af178-a9cc-4596-8bf2-03850c5da1ac} [info] Job started at 2023-11-19 16:21:33
2023-11-19 13:21:33 UTC {6ae2922d-454b-4a8d-a11b-2b5c7a85029d} [info] Importing backup
2023-11-19 13:21:33 UTC {783f40a7-ead7-4555-9c35-545d875990ee} [info] Backup has been imported.

  1. Imported backup will be displayed in the list of backups. To view the list of backups, use the following command:

veeamconfig backup list

For example:

user@srv01:~$ veeamconfig backup list
Job name            Backup ID                               Repository    Created at
srv01 SystemBackup  {45f074d2-d2d9-423d-84e9-8f1798b08d4c}  Repository_1  2023-11-11 17:37
srv01 DocsBackup    {ea64a7e5-038a-4c86-970a-6d59d4cf3968}  Repository_1  2023-11-11 18:30
srv01 HomeBackup    {4f75bb20-a6b6-4323-9287-1c6c8ceccb6b}  Repository_2  2023-11-15 11:28
BackupJob           {64957b1d-d219-456c-a9cd-9598292c10cd}  Imported      2023-11-19 19:12


Importing Encrypted Backups

You can import an encrypted backup created by Veeam Agent into the Veeam Agent database. This operation is required if you want to use the Veeam Agent command line interface to restore data from an encrypted backup created by Veeam Agent running on another computer.

To import an encrypted backup:

  1. Start the import process with the following command:

veeamconfig backup import --path <path>


<path> — path to the VBM file of the backup that you want to import.

For example:

user@srv01:~$ veeamconfig backup import --path /home/share/srv15\ Backup/Backup.vbm

  1. Veeam Agent will prompt you to provide a password for the backup file. Type in the password and press [Enter] key to import the backup.

Veeam Agent displays a hint for the password that was used to encrypt the backup file. Use the hint to recall the password.

If you enter the correct password, Veeam Agent will decrypt the backup file and import it into the database.

user@srv01:~$ veeamconfig backup import --path /home/share/srv15\ Backup/Backup.vbm
[Info] Backup srv15 Backup encrypted
[Info] Press "Enter" to skip. Enter password to decrypt the backup:
[Info] Hint: Standard password
Backup imported successfully

  1. Imported backup will be displayed in the list of backups. To view the list of backups, use the following command:

veeamconfig backup list

For example:

user@srv01:~$ veeamconfig backup list
Job name            Backup ID                               Repository    Created at
srv15 Backup        {4b1f873c-857d-b984-4f22-6ce66bf62570}  Imported      2018-06-12 20:20
srv01 ServerBackup  {f212f641-54aa-40de-a0eb-8727be56760b}  Imported      2018-06-12 20:04