Creating Custom Veeam Recovery Media with Command Line Interface

To create a custom Veeam Recovery Media, you need to perform the following operations:


Recovery Media patching is not supported by Veeam Agent for Linux on Power.

Downloading Generic Recovery Media

To download the generic Veeam Recovery Media with the command line interface, use the following command:

veeamconfig downloadiso --output <output_path>


<output_path> — path to the downloaded ISO file of the generic Veeam Recovery Media.

Veeam Agent downloads the ISO file of the generic Veeam Recovery Media depending on the Veeam Agent computer architecture. For details, see Veeam Recovery Media Versions.

For example:

$ veeamconfig downloadiso --output /mnt/veeam/iso

Creating Custom Recovery Media

To create a custom Veeam Recovery Media, use the following command:

veeamconfig patchiso --input <input_path> --output <output_path> [--copy <additional_path>] [--tempPath <temp_path>][--efi]


When you boot from the custom Veeam Recovery Media, the content of the directory specified with the <additional_path> parameter will be available in the root folder of the recovery environment.

For example:

$ veeamconfig patchiso --input /mnt/veeam/iso/veeam-recovery-amd64-6.0.0.iso --output /mnt/veeam/iso/veeam-recovery-media-srv01.iso --copy /tmp/template --temppath /external/veeamtmp --efi


Related Topics

Drivers in Veeam Recovery Media

Page updated 11/18/2024

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