Health Check Settings

When you store backup files in an object storage repository, an automatic health check can help you avoid a situation when a restore point gets corrupted, making all dependent restore points corrupted, too. For more information, see Health Check for Object Storage.


When you schedule a health check, consider the following:

  • Health check runs automatically during incremental backup job session on the days specified in the health check schedule. If the backup job runs several times on a specified day, health check is performed only with the first run of the backup job on that day.

Health check is not performed during the first full backup or subsequent active full backup jobs.

  • If Veeam Agent does not run any backup jobs on the day specified in the health check schedule, health check will be performed during the first backup job session following that day.

For example, you may have scheduled to run health check every last day of a month, while the backup job is scheduled to run every day and create an active full backup on Sundays. If the last day of a month falls on a Sunday, health check will be performed on the following Monday with the first incremental backup job session on that day.

To specify backup health check settings, do the following:

  1. In the Specify advanced job settings window, select the Health check option with the [Tab] and [Down] keys and press [Enter].



The Health check option is available if you have selected the Object storage repository option at the Destination step of the wizard.

  1. In the Health check window, make sure that the Perform backup files health check option is highlighted and select it by pressing [Space].
  2. Use the Monthly on or Weekly selected days settings to define the schedule for the health check of the backup in the repository.

Health Check Settings