Step 3. Install Product License

At the License step of the initial setup wizard, install the license. You can choose to install the license immediately or postpone this operation.

  • If you choose to install the license, you can immediately browse for the license key on your computer and complete the license installation process.
  • If you choose to postpone the license installation process, you will be able to install a license later at any time you need.

Until you install a license, Veeam Agent for Linux will operate in the Free edition. To learn more, see Product Editions.


If you choose not to install a license and use Veeam Agent in the Free edition, Veeam Agent will display a notification offering to install a license every time you open the control panel. The notification will appear in the control panel until Veeam Agent completes the first backup job session.

To install a license:

  1. In the File location field, specify a path to the license key:
  1. Select the Browse option with the [Tab] key and press [Enter].
  2. In the Choose license file location window, select the necessary directory and press [Enter].
  3. Repeat the step 'a' until a path to the directory in which the license key resides appears in the Current directory field.
  4. In the directory where the license key resides, select the license key and press [Enter].
  1. In the Choose agent edition to use on this computer section, select the product edition in which Veeam Agent will operate and press [Enter] to install the license and finish working with the initial setup wizard.



Consider the following:

  • If you do not want to install a license, to finish working with the initial setup wizard, switch to the Finish button with the [Tab] key and press [Enter].
  • You can view information about the installed license (expiration date, status of the license, current edition of the product and so on) in the Veeam Agent control panel or using the Veeam Agent command line interface. To learn more, see Viewing License.


Step 3. Install Product License