Step 2. Enter vCenter Server Connection Settings

At the Connection step of the Add VMware Server wizard, specify server connection settings:

  1. In the Sever field, enter a name (NETBIOS, DNS name or IP address) of a vCenter Server that you want to connect to.
  2. In the Port field, enter a port number used to connect to a vCenter Server (by default, 443).
  3. In the User name and Password fields, enter credentials of the VMware vCenter Server connection account. For more information, see Required Permissions.
  4. Notes are optional, they will be displayed as additional information on the VMware Servers tab.
  5. Click Next. The wizard will connect to the vCenter Server, enumerate all registered clusters and hosts, and break these clusters and hosts into monitoring jobs.


If an untrusted security certificate is installed on the vCenter Server, you will get a security warning. You can view the certificate and click Continue. Otherwise, you will not be able to add the server.

Add VMware Server