Scheduling Discovery
Because these cascaded discoveries are triggered by changes in the VMware environment, which in turn cause trigger events to be sent from the Veeam Collector, the schedule cannot be changed in the usual method (by overriding discovery rules in OpsMgr) There are discovery rules, but they are triggered by the aforementioned Collector events, not on a defined schedule, so the schedule or poll time cannot be changed by overriding these rules.
To change the discovery schedule, the following settings are available in the Veeam UI:
- Collector baseline collection interval.
The default is 15 minutes, and increasing this interval will increase the polling interval at which the Collector discovers changes in the VMware environment. However note that changing this interval also affects the delivery of performance data, which is on the same schedule.
- Advanced Collector settings.
The setting of TopologyUpdateBuffer will define how often the Collector sends trigger events on topology updates.
This setting is defined in Intervals and default is 4; meaning that the Collector will send update trigger events every 4 intervals. With a default interval of 15 minutes, this means that updates to topology will be sent every 4 x 15 = 60 minutes.
Change this setting as appropriate for your environment and requirements; the impact is:
- Low values will mean the Collector may trigger topology re-discovery more often (depending on VM changes in the environment). Very frequent changes can cause discovery thrashing with high Health Service CPU and memory usage, and overall instability.
- High values will result in a more stable environment but VM changes will take longer to be reflected into OpsMgr.
The setting of PropertyUpdateBuffer will define how often the Collector sends trigger events on updates to VM properties (generally static properties such as Allocated Memory and Number of vCPUs). This setting is defined in Intervals and default is 96; meaning that the Collector will send update trigger events once a day. With a default interval of 5 minutes, this means that updates to topology will be sent every 96 x 5 = 1440 minutes (1 day)
To change these settings, see Collector Advanced Settings in Appendix D. Veeam UI Reference.