Step 4. Select Target Host

The Host step is available if you have selected the Failback to the specified location option at the Destination step.

To specify a target host:

  1. To specify a host where the recovered VMs will be registered, select the necessary VMs and click Host. In the Select Server window, select a standalone or clustered host.

To quickly find the necessary hosts, you can use the search field at the top of the window.

  1. If you choose to register a restored VM on a host that is a part of a Microsoft Hyper‑V failover cluster, you can register it as a cluster resource. To do this, select a VM in the list and click Resource. In the Cluster Resource Settings section, choose Register VM as a cluster resource. In this case, if the target host is brought offline or fails for any reason, the VM will fail over to another node in the cluster.

Step 4. Select Target Host 

Page updated 1/25/2024

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