Step 1. Launch Application Item Restore Wizard

To launch the wizard, do one of the following:

  • Open the Home view. In the inventory pane, select the Backups or Replicas. In the working area, expand the necessary backup or replica and select a workload whose application items you want to recover. Right-click the workload, select Restore application items and then select the type of application items:
  • Microsoft Active Directory objects
  • Microsoft SQL Server databases
  • Oracle databases
  • PostgreSQL instances
  • Microsoft Exchange Online mailbox items
  • Microsoft SharePoint Online content
  • Microsoft OneDrive for Business files
  • Microsoft Teams files
  • Open the Home view. In the inventory pane, select Backups or Replicas. In the working area, expand the necessary backup or replica, select workload whose application items you want to recover, click Application Items on the ribbon and select the required application.
  • For Microsoft Windows workloads, you can launch application item restore from the Veeam Backup browser. This browser opens after you launch guest OS file restore. For more information on performing guest OS file restore, see section the Guest OS File Restore.

    Restore Microsoft Exchange Launch Wizard

Page updated 8/8/2024

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