Viewing YARA Scan Results

Results of the YARA scan are available in the Scan Backup session statistics.

To view YARA scan results, do one of the following:

  • Open the Home view. In the inventory pane, select Last 24 hours. In the working area, double-click the necessary Scan Backup job. Alternatively, you can select the job and click Statistics on the ribbon or right-click the job and select Statistics.
  • Open the History view. In the inventory pane, select Jobs. In the working area, double-click the necessary Scan Backup job. Alternatively, you can select the job and click Statistics on the ribbon or right-click the job and select Statistics.

Viewing YARA Scan Results 

To view the detailed log of the YARA scan, click the Scan Log button at the bottom of the window with the Scan Backup job statistics. Veeam Backup & Replication will display the most recent logs in a file of 1 MB in size.

Full logs of the scan are stored on the mount server in the following folder: C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup\FLRSessions\Windows\FLR__<machinename>_\Antivirus.

Page updated 11/26/2024

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