Step 2. Process Request in Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager

This procedure is performed by the Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager Administrator on the Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager server.

  1. Copy the obtained request to the clipboard.
  2. In Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager, go to the Configuration > Settings > Key Management section.
  3. Click Password Recovery to open the Password Recovery wizard.
  4. Use the [Ctrl+V] key combination to paste the request that you have received from the Veeam Backup Administrator. You can also use the Import from File link to import the request from a text file.

Step 2. Process Request in Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager 

  1. Follow the next steps of the wizard. At the Response step, copy the text displayed in the wizard to the clipboard.
  2. Send the copied response by email or pass it in any other way to the Veeam Backup Administrator working on the Veeam backup server.

Step 2. Process Request in Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager 

Page updated 12/12/2023

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