Assigning Backup Policies

To configure Veeam backup agent job settings on one or more managed computers, you can assign a predefined or custom backup policy to these computers. For details on backup policies, see Configuring Backup Policies.

To assign a backup policy to one or more Veeam backup agents:

  1. Log in to ConnectWise Automate Control Center.

The account used to access ConnectWise Automate must have the necessary permissions. For details, see section Permissions of the Deployment Guide.

  1. In the menu on the left, click Browse.
  2. In the Clients tab, expand Clients and double-click the name of a company or location integrated with Veeam Service Provider Console.
  3. In the pop-up window, navigate to the Veeam Service Provider Console > Protected Computers tab.
  4. Select the necessary Veeam backup agents in the list.

To select multiple computers, press and hold the [Ctrl] key.

Use Filter in the upper menu to choose what filters you want to enable. You can filter computers by Platform, Guest OS, Backup mode, Cloud copy and UI mode.

  1. At the top of the list, click the Assign Policy link.

ConnectWise Automate Assigning Backup Policy

  1. In the Backup Policies window, choose the necessary policy and click Assign.

To configure a new backup policy, click New Backup Policy and configure a new backup policy in Veeam Service Provider Console interface. For details on backup policy settings, see Configuring Backup Policies.

Page updated 1/4/2024

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