Step 7. Specify Rates for Microsoft 365 Services

At the Microsoft 365 Backup step of the wizard, specify charge rates for managed Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 services:

  • In the Subscription user field, specify a charge rate for Microsoft 365 subscription users.
  • In the Educational user field, specify a charge rate for users with Microsoft 365 Education licenses.


If you do not want to charge for a specific service, do not specify a charge rate for it (leave the field blank). If no rate is specified for a service, Veeam Service Provider Console will not take this service into account when calculating the total payment.

For description of chargeable services, see Services.

Specify Rates for Microsoft 365

You can specify the number of users that will be managed free of charge:

  1. Click Advanced settings.
  2. In the Subscription users and Educational users fields, specify the number of users for which you will not apply charges.
  3. Click Apply.

Specify Advanced Settings

Configuring Charging Model

You can select a charging model for the backup storage:

  1. Set the Separate billing for storage toggle to On.
  2. Click Configure.
  3. In the Settings window, specify the charging model for the Microsoft 365 repository storage:
  • Allocated space (quota) — select this option to charge for storage space allocated to a company and specify a charge rate for one GB or TB of backup storage space.
  • Consumed space — select this option to charge for consumed storage space and specify the size of a standard and archive storage space block in GB or TB and a charge rate for one block.

You can select the Round up storage usage cost to the higher value when exceeding the defined block size check box to round up storage usage costs. For example, if you configured block size of 10 GB and the client company used 13 GB of repository storage space, the company will be charged for 20 GB of storage space.

Note that if you round up storage usage costs, free of charge storage resources will be disabled automatically.

If you do not want to charge for a specific service, do not specify a charge rate for it (leave the field blank). If no rate is specified for a service, Veeam Service Provider Console will not take this service into account when calculating the total payment.

For a description of chargeable services, see Services.

  1. If you have selected to charge for consumed space, in the Free of charge section, you can specify the amount of backup and archive storage space for which you will not apply charges.

Specify Storage Settings