Step 2. Specify Repository Details

At the Veeam Backup for AWS step of the wizard, do the following:

  1. From the Appliance drop-down list, select a backup appliance that will manage the repository.

For an appliance to be displayed in the Appliance drop-down list, it must be added to the backup infrastructure as described in section Deploying Backup Appliance or Connecting to Existing Appliances.

  1. Use the Repository name and Description fields to enter a name for the new repository. The maximum length of the name is 125 characters; the following characters are not supported: \ / " ' [ ] : | < > + = ; , ? * @ & _ .

Veeam Backup & Replication will create a folder with the specified name in the storage bucket that you will specify at the step 5 of the wizard. This folder will be used to store backed-up data.

Add Amazon S3 repository - Appliance