Performing File-Level Restore

In case a disaster strikes, you can recover corrupted or missing files of an EFS file system from an EFS backup or backup copy. Veeam Backup for AWS allows you to restore files and folders to the original file system or to another file system.

How to Perform EFS File-Level Recover

To recover files and folders of a protected file system, do the following:

  1. Launch the EFS File-level Recovery wizard.
  2. Choose a restore type.
  3. Configure restore settings.
  4. Specify an IAM identity for restore.
  5. Choose a restore mode.
  6. Specify a restore reason.
  7. Finish working with the wizard.
  8. Open the file-level recovery browser.
  9. Select a restore point.
  10. Choose files and folders to recover.
  11. Stop the recovery session.

Page updated 6/14/2024

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