Step 7. Specify Cluster and Database Identifiers

[This step applies only if you have selected the Restore to a new location, or with different settings option at the Restore Mode step of the wizard]

At the Identifier step of the wizard, you can specify a new identifier for the restored Aurora DB cluster and for the primary DB instance.

Consider the following limitations:

  • The identifier must be unique for each AWS Region within one AWS Account.
  • The identifier can contain only lowercase Latin letters and hyphens, but cannot contain two consecutive hyphens.
  • The first character of the identifier must be a letter. The last character of the identifier must not be a hyphen.
  • The maximum length of the identifier is 63 characters.

For more information on limitations for DB instance identifiers, see AWS Documentation. For more information on limitations for Aurora DB cluster identifiers, see AWS Documentation.


The Identifier step of the wizard contains preconfigured settings retrieved from the source primary DB instance. If you want to specify advanced configuration settings for the restored primary DB instance, click Advanced and edit the necessary settings in the Advanced Settings window. For more information on all available settings that can be specified for DB instances, see AWS Documentation.

Restore Aurora - Database identifier

Page updated 10/3/2023

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