Computers Protected by Veeam Backup & Replication

You can view job details of Veeam backup agents managed by client Veeam Backup & Replication servers:

  1. Log in to ConnectWise Automate Control Center.

The account used to access ConnectWise Automate must have the necessary permissions. For details, see section Permissions of the Deployment Guide.

  1. In the menu on the left, click Browse.
  2. In the Clients tab, expand Clients and double-click the name of a company or location integrated with Veeam Service Provider Console.
  3. In the pop-up window, navigate to the Veeam Service Provider Console > Computers Protected by Backup Server tab.

Veeam Service Provider Console will display a list of jobs for Veeam backup agents managed by client Veeam Backup & Replication servers.

  1. To narrow down the list of backup jobs, you can apply the following filters:
  • Host name — limit the list of jobs by the name of a host.
  • Job name — limit the list of jobs by the name of a backup job.
  • Backup server name — limit the list of jobs by the name of a backup server.
  • Status — limit the list of jobs by the result of the latest job session (Success, Warning, Failed, Running, Info).
  • Job mode — limit the list of jobs by job mode (Managed by Backup Server (Job), Managed by Agent(Policy)).
  • OS type — limit the list of jobs by operation system (Windows, Linux, macOS).
  • Operation mode — limit the list of jobs by operation mode (Server, Workstation).

ConnectWise Automate Viewing Veeam Backup Agent Job Details

Each monitored Veeam backup agent job in the list is described with a set of properties.

  • Location — name of a location to which a monitored computer belongs.
  • Backup Server — name of a Veeam Backup & Replication server on which the backup job is managed.
  • Job Status — status of the latest job session (Success, Warning, Failed, Running).
  • Job Name — name of Veeam backup agent job.
  • Job Mode — type of Veeam backup agent job (Managed by Backup Server (Job), Managed by Agent (Policy)).
  • Scheduling — job scheduling settings.
  • Protected Computers — number of computers backed up by a job.

You can click this property to view details of computers included in a job.

The following additional details are available for a computer:

    • Backup Status — status of the latest job session (Success, Warning, Failed, Running).
    • Backup Source — source files and folders used to create a backup.
    • Hostname — name of a computer included in a job.
    • Destination — name of a backup repository, shared folder, or storage to which backup files are stored.
    • Restore Points — number of restore points available in the backup chain for a managed computer.
    • Last Run — shows how long ago the latest backup job session started.
  • Transferred Data — amount of data transferred during the latest job session.
  • Duration — duration of the latest job session.
  • Last Run — shows how long ago the latest backup job session started.
  • Operation ModeVeeam backup agent operation mode (Workstation, Server).

For details on Veeam backup agents jobs managed by Veeam Backup & Replication, see section Creating Veeam Agent Backup Jobs of the Veeam Agent Management Guide.

Page updated 12/1/2023

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